Recapture Self

#84 Turning Creative Vision Into Fine Art Photography With Natalie Allgyer



I am not a Barbie mom. The reason I'm not a Barbie Mom is that when my daughter asks me to sit and "play" with her– whether it be with her Barbies or lego or stuffed toys–I freeze. Imagination is not my superpower. And...I don't think I'm alone in this. As a mom, my guess is you are more accustomed to cycling through your endless to-do list or getting your family from point A to point B than expressing your creativity.  Somewhere between childhood wonder and adult responsibility, we lose sight of what it means to play. We forget how to use our imagination and express ourselves creatively. And that is why all this month at Momtography we're exploring imagination and how we can infuse it into our lives and our photos in a way that makes us feel excited–not awkward. For today’s return-guest, Natalie Allgyer, (Episode #68) photography started like it does for many new moms, taking photos of just her daughter. As her photos improved and people began asking her to start a family and newborn business, something didn