Recapture Self

#82 Making Meaningful Connections With Your Family & Your Self With Valerie Schoenfeld



Mom guilt.  My guess is that you are no stranger to the complicated feelings of self-doubt, shame, and uncertainty that come with raising kids. The guilt creeps in in all sorts of ways.  You find yourself endlessly wondering: am I doing this right? Am I ruining my child? Will this be the terrible moment in their memory 20 years from now?  As a new mom nine years ago, I naively thought that as my own daughter got older, these guilty feelings would subside, but here we are. Honestly, sometimes I'm not sure how to fill the space besides swirling in more mom guilt, but I also know that my camera is there to help me reconnect, to actually see these challenges and transitions in a more positive light.  This month at Momtography, we are exploring how moms connect, not only with their families but with themselves too. And in today's episode of Capture What Matters, I'm talking to Valerie Schoenfeld, a mom of three who decided, at seven months pregnant with her third baby, that she was ready to start a photography bus