Recapture Self

#50 Anger and Self Care: Amanda Rueter



Today Beryl is chatting with Amanda Rueter founder of the parenting blog Dirt & Boogers. A Mental Health Therapist turned Mom to two boys --- she thought her experience and education prepared her for motherhood, but she had no idea! She now writes to help empower mothers to feel confident in themselves and their parenting so they can build happier homes with their children. She's the force behind the popular Mama's Anger Management eCourse, which has helped almost 1000 Mothers stop yelling and start creating happier moments with their children. Today Amanda and I chat about: The link between anger, self-care, and fulfillment and how making time for creativity can lead to calmer parenting. The process of redefining play, fun, and joy as an adult and the importance of incorporating all 3 into a moms daily experience. How leading by example doesn’t mean striving for perfection, it simply means showing your humanity and bettering yourself. Plus Amanda will dish details about her upcoming course supporting mo