86 Charles

Social Distancing



John Derby and Travis Spencer wallow in the joy of the new reality of social distancing.  Then, at 17:57, they discuss news stories including calling 911 when you're out of toilet paper, skin yarn, pandemic monkey gang fights, a 7,000 year old well, and some old NFL news (DeAndre Hopkins to Cards)...  At, 35:59, Jesse McIntosh questions the idea that garbage men know their garbage.  At 38:25, your Facebook World News Update and TruMp + p4nD3m1c RmX.  At 41:58, Deb Loftis drops some knowledge for the kids to think about during these crazy times.  Finally, at 49:55, a must listen Shituation Room that could ease your fears of the toilet paper shortage.  #fleaskeeptheguardsaway