Wired For Success Tv

Becky Walsh: Back Stage on Intuition



Becky Walsh, author of 'You Do Know - Learning to Act on Intuition Instantly' takes us 'back stage' on Intuition.   Transitioning from Theatre Stage Manager to Mentor and Stand-Up Intuitive Comic was an intuitive -led and life-changing step for this natural comedian.   This explorative interview was such a delight for us, Becky really does shine the light on where and how we take ourselves way too seriously, and yet she is deeply empathetic too - a rare and delicate blend that definitely hits the spot. Find out.... What led Becky to enhance her 'psychic' powers? Which TV celebrity reviewed her as a 'brazen cow' ?  How Becky make self development a subject that gets plenty of laughs and yet... can create seismic shifts in her audience too? How Beryl's Oxytocin 'addiction' keeps her stuck and playing small.    And.... If you are ready for change, then sit back and listen in.  Be prepared to ask yourself where are YOU stuck in your life. Becky is an 'Intuition Expert' and helps individuals and her audience recog