Wired For Success Tv

Beyond the Law of Attraction with William Whitecloud



Success is an inside job - so says William Whitecloud, International Speaker, Author, Workshop Facilitator and Coach.  William's fascinating story begins with a chronic illness that left him at death's door - indeed he was on the edge of receiving the 'last rites' when the Universe came up with a new plan for him, a chance meeting (if there is such a thing) and a total recovery of his health.  He them embarked upon a quest to understand how to access and 'better direct' the power of focus.  Two decades on, and after much self-discovery, he is travelling the globe helping other troubled souls to break out of their 'mind prisons' so that they are then fully able to embrace their own talents and inner joy.  He has distilled down into an essence his breakthrough programme, that he calls 'Living From Greatness'.   'The Magician's Way' was his first publication which went to the top of the Australian metaphysical best seller list and his much-awaited latest book, 'The Last Shaman' : a riveting story created to heig