Wired For Success Tv

Is Aging a Thing of the Past? with Wendy Down



Wendy Down of Consciousness Playground is an award winning Life Coach, gift healer and Consciousness Pioneer  who is taking anti-aging to a whole new level.  Get ready to have your paradigms blown away as Wendy shares with us cutting edge ways to re-sculpt the way we look without creams, supplements or the scalpel...but with intention alone. Wendy is one of the growing movement who believes that  beliefs that physical matter, including human tissue,  can be altered through your consciousness alone.   Her money-back guarantee Youthening Program has been beta-tested with some astounding results (both of us at Wired For Success have experienced Wendy's program and Mel definitely has the skin of a woman half her age!).   The benefits are varied with noticeable changes in body shape and structure, decreases in wrinkles, lines with dull and saggy aged skin being revitalised, tightened and lifting - a dream come true!   It stands to reason that inner changes in outlook towards life will occur too. Upfront about not