Online Course Connections With Vickie Maris

Wisdom from Vickie Maris for a future of change in business



Host of Agile Digital Business, Vickie Maris, shares nuggets of life insights to help with embracing future change. From decisions about a degree program to reminders about the value of journaling and to speaking your life intentions each day, to selecting your next employer or business opportunity, Vickie provides brief insights to help you prepare for tomorrow. This episode of the show is sponsored by: Stories, Song and Satire by Scott Greeson & Dr. Will Miller; Feb. 16, 2020; 6 pm ET; Tippecanoe Arts Federation. Time codes, show notes and quotes to share with others are below:  0:00 Introduction and music :11 A welcome to Episode 26 of Agile Digital Business. Season 2 is all about preparing for the voice platform. :51 Description of the request by Coach Ido Singer to share wisdom for the One Last Thought Podcast by Coach Ido Singer. "Bite-size nuggets of wisdom." 2:06 Announcement of the episode sponsor: "Stories, Songs and Satire." It's a show by stand-up comedian Dr. Will Miller and singer/songwrit