Young Money With Tracey Bissett

EP198 Pandemic Lessons Learned & Go Forward Reminders



For many of us, these last 16 months have been a challenge, both personally and professionally. With constant worry about the future in regards to our health, our finances, and the wellness of our loved ones, it’s hard to find the positives in this situation. However, during this time I have had the pleasure of speaking with some amazing people, and there have been many common topics or themes that have emerged. In this episode, I will be sharing the lessons that I have learned throughout this year, as well as what I will be keeping top of mind now and in the future. Listen in as I explain the benefit of asking for help when you need it and why this is not a sign of weakness. You will learn how to be okay with things changing or not going to plan and why we should place value on building relationships with our loved ones, not on items or things. This is your reminder to enjoy life and savor the moments. “Place value on people, experiences, and connection versus things and status.” - Tracey Bissett This Week