Young Money With Tracey Bissett

EP03 Do I Want to be a Young Millionaire?



Do you want to be a millionaire? This single word is loaded with multiple meanings - and those meanings are different from one person to the next. Many people have strong negative feelings and emotions about becoming a millionaire while others believe it could bring them the life of their dreams. On today’s episode, I’m going to share the plain and simple truth of what a millionaire is, how to calculate your net worth, and the difference between a millionaire and a multi-millionaire. I’ll also explain what the Bissett Financial Fitness Framework is and how it can help you get financially fit in your life and business.   “Even me, I don't think of myself as a millionaire but I am.” - Tracey Bissett This Week on Young Money: Examples of personal assets and liabilities Who should aspire to become a millionaire The psychological and emotional aspects of being a millionaire Limiting beliefs surrounding becoming a millionaire Consistent characteristics of millionaires The financial fitness spectrum   The Bissett