Curious With Calvin Wayman

Ep226-Life Lessons From Stand Up Comedy with Bryce Prescott



Minor secret reveal:   I’ve been playing with stand up comedy.   Yes. I’ve been getting up in front of the room and seeing if I can get people to giggle.   “But Calvin! How can you do that, you’re not very funny!”   Hush. That is besides the point.   You won’t see it anywhere else on social media because it’s quite early, and it’s just “my” thing—just something I’m trying.   I’m a speaker, so I like things that keep me sharp. Besides, I love the challenge of it all. (Even if it sometimes does feel like you’re getting kicked in the goods.)   Another friend of mine who’s been hitting the comedy scene heavy over this past year is Bryce Prescott. In fact, he just had his first headlining spot!   On today’s show, I’m at his house and we have a SUUUPER rad conversation. It’s not just about comedy, but how the challenge of it translates into other areas of self-development. I think you’ll dig it.   #TuneIn and #StayCurious