Impact Makers Podcast With Jennifer Mcclure

Building Intentional Connections with Jennifer McClure



In this episode, our host Jennifer McClure talks about the importance of developing key relationships when trying to maximize your impact in our world. Digital communication has made it easier to connect with people across the globe but nothing replaces intentional connections and a deep commitment to reciprocity. Jennifer shares her strategy for building relationships and relays some stories about a few amazing people that she has connected with. Jennifer identifies 3 types of people that you should focus on building relationships with. Whether they are in your community, industry or desired area of impact, these intentional relationships will be above and beyond the most enriching, compared to quick-and-easy connections found online. Focus on the long-term! Jennifer stresses the intentional and strategic elements of relationship building and what they mean for your network and business down the road. Keep an eye out for potential mentors, skip the coffee date, and be prepared to make an investment! Many of