I Share Hope: Chris Williams

Extraordinary Growth of Hope with Mandy Sellars #isharehope Episode 89



  I was born on the 20th of February in 1975 and at my birth there was something visibly wrong with me. My legs were large and my feet very large and deformed (for want of a better word to use).It wasn't until a few weeks later that i was actually allowed home with my parents as the doctors did not know if i would live or die, but hey I'm still here at 39 having fun! On reaching school age I attended a special school being there we all had physical problems so we knew that we had limitations, but we accepted that.   On reaching 14 I was enrolled part-time in a comprehensive school to do my GCSE's came away with 4 GCSE's. After school i started college to do an Art course and more GCSE's. I made good friends and along with studying enjoyed some weekends away with plenty of booze and drunken nights.   After leaving college i went to study a degree in Graphic Design away from home. However I had mobility difficulties and didn't find it easy so deferred my course and came home to have an operation to reduce the