I Share Hope: Chris Williams

35: Vivian Melde - Waiting with #hope. -#isharehope



Vivian Melde works for Ecology and Environment, Inc., as an environmental consultant, specializing in public involvement, planning, and emergency management.  She is a member of the Superfund Technical Assistance and Response Team (START) as a contractor for the US Environmental Protection Agency.  START assists the EPA in emergency responses to oil and hazardous materials incidents.     As a life-long dance and theater performer, Vivian has been a featured artist at Cyrano's Off Center Playhouse in Anchorage since its doors opened with Thy Country's Good, in which she played Black Caesar.  In February 2015, she directed Eve Ensler’s Emotional Creature, which brought together a multi-ethnic cast of seven talented women between the ages of 18 and 32.  In April 2015, she was one of the creators of We Came to Stay:  Anchorage Untold Stories, a project celebrating the lives of immigrants who arrived in Anchorage during her centennial years,  www.anchorageuntoldstories.com.  In 2013 she played Maryamma, an Indian