

Have you ever tried doing something and it did not go as you've expected? Did you just give up after you "failed" or did you try other ways to do it? When should you give up? Today's message is all about learning when to give up and when to push through. I hope this message will encourage you as it did to me. Watch my new webinar “10 Ways I've Earned Income as an Artist (and you can too)” here: ---------------------------- Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share training, motivation, inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time. I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Please leave a review on iTunes to let me know how the podcast is helping you. This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find y