Giving Up Normal

Finding Peace in the Chaos of Life and Ministry [EP:103]



Do you feel like you are trying to manage all the chaos of the world? Are there things in your life and ministry that are challenging and cause you anxiety? Are you searching for answers? Whether we face problems that need to be solved or tensions that need to be managed there are many places where we experience trouble. Marriage Relationships Ministry and church related challenges Our schedule Physical health  Emotional health Finances Kids/family There are things that contribute to our lack of peace: Messages from the world Expectations of others Taking on more things to do for God than our relationship with God can handle Busyness Fears Wrestling with challenges and being unsure of what to do Coping by grasping and clinging to other people or circumstances...even a feeling.   There is chaos around us and chaos within us. Here is where we can related to David as he expresses this shared experience in Psalm 63: My inner self thirsts for you, my flesh longs and is faint for you, in a dry and weary land wh