Giving Up Normal

The Biggest Mistake You Can Make in Ministry [EP:101]



Do you like to plan?  I know I do. It makes me feel accomplished. Productive. In control. Planning eases my anxiety because I know what to expect. Plan the work then work the plan, right? The problem is we rarely actually work the plan. We spend time, energy, resources getting everything we need to create a long term plan...we plan the work, but rarely do we work the plan. God may have given you a vision, a word, a calling, and unless God tells you otherwise, that doesn’t change...but how we live it out does. Things change. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. I am already hearing the anxieties from many leaders about what will happen this fall. What will be possible in a world where we are living with COVID-19? And we spend a lot of time thinking, wondering, worrying, and trying to plan. Here's the thing: We don’t know what will happen tomorrow.  This week I started to read the book Win the Day, by Mark Batterson. I only got through the Introduction but it was good. He talks about how we spend muc