Giving Up Normal

What to do with Pushback in Ministry [EP:085]



Have you ever experienced pushback in ministry? Have people reacted negatively to the changes that you are making? They don't like it and they're letting you know that they don't like it! That may seem like a silly question. Of course we have experienced pushback...and if you haven’t yet, don’t’s coming!  Pushback happens.. Pushback is normal. What should you do when someone opposes or complains about the changes you are making? Let’s start by talking about change for a second. -Change is a stressor (even good change). -People resist change. -Resistance creates friction, otherwise known as conflict. And we typically avoid conflict. But there is such a thing as healthy conflict. It is important to reframe your thinking that pushback is bad. You’ve got to remind yourself this is normal and it can be good. Healthy conflict helps create a healthy culture and healthy people with healthy relationships. Key Tips Discussed: Reframe your idea of pushback. IT IS NORMAL and it can be healthy Ask questions, p