Giving Up Normal

Progress Killers that Keep you from What you Want [EP:081]



You want to make some changes. There are some good, healthy boundaries that you know will help you lead and live better, but you just can’t seem to gain momentum. You're stuck. Now what? Today, I share 4 progress killers that can keep you from making the changes you want.   We wait for the perfect time. We wait for things to slow down before we make changes. We think it’ll be easier once we push through this busy season, once a certain obligation is finished. We wait until things are perfect. But guess what? It’ll never be a perfect time!    We have an all or nothing attitude. If there is just one time we can imagine when the boundary or rhythm won’t work, we don’t even try! We could do it 95% of the time, but we let the 5% stop us.   We are afraid. We fear what others think, we are afraid something won't get done, we fear missing out on an opportunity. The list is endless. ACTION STOPS FEAR. When you take action, even when you are afraid, you gain momentum.    We change everything. We make massive, sweeping