Taps And Tees

Its Great Beer Now What?



Welcome to The Taps And Tees Show: The podcast dedicated to showing people passionate about golf and craft beer, the no BS way of marketing their brand in a noisy online world to get real results. In this pilot episode, your host Marty Mcdonald talks about his marketing agency; Bad Rhino Inc, his love for all things beer and golf, as well as an insight for future shows to come. Here Are The Highlights: - How to leverage paid online marketing to get the most for your brand (4:40) - The most common reason why even the best beer and golf brands fall apart and how to make sure you don’t make the same mistake (7:00) - A simple but hugely overlooked benefit of hiring an agency to help you with your brand marketing (7:35) - How to put your social media marketing on STEROIDS (8:00) Crack open a beer, tune in and enjoy today’s show! If you enjoyed today’s show, make sure you head on over to www.tapsandtees.info and download your free report of ‘No BS,’ game-changing marketing tips and strategies that show you how to b