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Episode 71. Spice It Up Together



Rev. Justo Gonzalez II, is a passionate activist on issues of immigrant rights, DACA, the Dream Act and TPS.He is the founder of two Sanctuary Congregations in New York and Michigan.  He has defied ICE and the Federal government in taking a public stance against the forced separation of families and kidnapping of immigrant children.  He has marched the picket line with workers in the Fight for $15 Campaign.  He is a tireless  advocate for women’s rights, pay equity,  LGBTQIA rights, educational justice, and extravagant welcome for all of God’s creation.  Rev. Justo embodies his progressive faith with political action.  In this episode of our Faith and Politics series, our podcast producer, Sheri Faye Rosendahl interviews the energetic and dynamic  Rev. Justo Gonzalez II.