Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

Awakening Episode 105: Thanksgiving Special



SHOW NOTES FOR EPISODE 105: THANKSGIVING SPECIAL   Welcome to Episode 105 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.   Have you ever had anything in your life not turn out the way you had hoped? Something that should have turned out differently, but it didn’t? In this Thanksgiving Special of Awakening, Nathanael shares a heart to heart talk with a church entitled, “Water into Wine: What to Do When Things Don’t Turn Out”.   Notable series quotes: “Even when Mary did not understand what Jesus was going to do, even when it seemed that he had refused her request, Mary still believed in him so much that she turned to the serving folk and told them to do whatever Jesus told them to do. Mary had the faith which could trust even when it did not understand. She did not know what Jesus was going to do, but she was quite sure that he would do the right thing. In every life come periods of darkness when we do not see the way. In every life come things which are such that we do not see why they ca