Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

Awakening Episode 022: The Glory of the Holy Spirit



Welcome to Episode 022 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues a series on the person, work, and ministry of the Holy Spirit.   In this episode, you’ll discover: What is the glory of God? How can it be described? The glory of God is the sharing of His love through the eternal and incarnate Son, Jesus Christ, in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Throughout endless eons, the living, dynamic, three distinct persons of the Godhead, yet one in union, and one in nature, have been loving and delighting in one another, and now the Holy Spirit pours out the shared love of the Godhead in the heart of the believer.   Notable episode quotes: "All sorts of people are fond of repeating the Christian statement that ‘God is love’. But they seem not to notice that the words ‘God is love’ have no real meaning unless God contains at least two Persons. Love is something that one person has for another person. If God was a single person, then before th