Tk With James Scott

Ep. 92: SWC 07: Rachel Bonds & Sean McIntyre



The second summer of conversations recorded at the Sewanee Writers' Conference continues with playwright Rachel Bonds, who tells James about finding her voice in a one-act, using jealousy as a job coach, being on the writing treadmill, and recognizing the struggles of those close to us. Plus, actor and Performing Prose co-founder Sean McIntyre. 2020 Applications due March 15! - Rachel Bonds   Rachel and James discuss:  Olivier Sultan (agent)  St. Andrew's-Sewanee School  Lisa D'Amour  Barack Obama  James Agee  George Saunders  Jennifer Egan  Kevin Wilson  - Sean McIntyre: Sean and James discuss:  THE SOPRANOS  Drew Barrymore  Middlebury College  Steve Yarbrough  Jim Shepard  ROMEO AND JULIET by William Shakespeare  THE SIMPSONS  LES MISERABLES music by Claude-Monet Schonberg "Master of the House"  Emily Nemens  Tim O'Brien  SEINFELD  BREAKING BAD  THE GOAT, OR WHO IS SYLVIA by Edward Albee  Dan O'Brien  Marilyn Nelson  SLINGS AND ARROWS  Kea