Tk With James Scott

Ep. 32: Clare Beams & Emily L. Smith



Hemmed in by what she 'should' be writing, Clare Beams turned a corner by freeing herself to write what would become the title story in her phenomenal collection WE SHOW WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED. James was fortunate enough to edit one of Clare's stories for ONE STORY, and they discuss that experience as well as putting her collection together, how she ignored advice to maintain a consistent level of weird, and exploring the limitlessness of short fiction. Plus Emily Smith, publisher at Lookout Books, describes the unique program at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.  -  Clare Beams: Clare and James discuss:  Columbia University  "The School" by Donald Barthelme  Kelly Link  Aimee Bender  Alice Munro  Hannah Tinti  Annie Hartnett  HAYDEN'S FERRY REVIEW ECOTONE  LOOKOUT BOOKS THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY THE NEW YORKER ONE STORY Beth Staples  Emily Smith  Erin Kottke  BINOCULAR VISION by Edith Pearlman  PEN: Robert Bingham Prize for Debut Fiction  Young Lions Fiction Award  - Lookout Bo