

Last week, we spoke with Anna Nti-Asare who is a writer, teacher, counselor, a PhD student at Cambridge University. We were really inspired by Anna’s transparency in talking about all the times she wasn’t able to obtain the goals she set for herself and how she valued those times since they made her work harder and appreciate her successes even more. It’s that practice of gratitude that we’re diving into today and how is applies to our humanness and the global desire to obtain happiness. What you’ll hear in this episode: The main takeaway Ivy had from the conversation with Anna regarding a global truth and Buddhist psychology How we can reduce our suffering by becoming grateful for it Blake’s recent unpleasant experience that ended up being a great exercise in practicing gratitude Why radical acceptance doesn’t mean resignation Ivy’s belief that happiness is the motivator for why humans do everything they do Blake’s belief that reducing suffering takes a higher priority for humans than seeking happiness The