Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 027: Heal Yourself with Bee Bosnak



Bee Bosnak is the a New York City-based healer/teacher/mentor and the creator of Heal Yourself, a comprehensive yoga system designed to enhance the capacity of the emotional body while exploring the strength of the physical body. Bee has been studying yoga, meditation and the human condition for the past decade and continues to study philosophical, spiritual and biomechanical aspects of the practice from various disciplines. She teaches a vast variety of yoga and meditation classes throughout New York City, as well as leading her heartfelt signature method Heal Yourself workshops and retreats worldwide and offering classes online. In this episode, you'll hear from Bee on: A simple but profound exercise you can use to set personal boundaries and be intentional about your choices How to waste a perfectly good tropical vacation, and the limitations of environment to your mental and spiritual wellbeing Why putting your teacher on a pedestal is a dangerous mistake, and how we benefit from embracing the human cond