Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 022: Pregnant Not Powerless with Jamie Rissman



Jamie Rissman is a yogi and mother, who has practiced consistently through all 3 of her pregnancies and the births of her four healthy children. After experiencing the positive effects of practicing pregnancy yoga herself, Jamie attended the Rajashree Pregnancy Guide at the Kripalu Institute in 2010, where she learned to skillfully integrate safe prenatal yoga postures and their prescribed modifications into the regular Bikram yoga sequence. Now, she inspires other women to continue their practice and meet the physical, mental, and emotional demands of pregnancy, birth, motherhood. In this episode, you’ll hear from Jamie on: Trusting yourself, standing your ground, and working with a trusted physician who can support you through your decisions How she ended up teaching a group of 10 pregnant women before any formal pregnancy yoga training, and what she gained from sharing in their unique experiences Why sitting out the first trimester can make keeping up a yoga practice throughout the rest of your pregnancy