Voice Of Influence

174: Using Kolbe to Function Well as a Team with Jen Heins



Kolbe Certified Consultant and Youth Specialist Jen Heins shares with us how understanding the specific ways we and those with whom we work take action when faced with a project can make us more successful at meeting our team goals. Whether it’s owning the best way for you to approach a problem or gaining a better understanding of why someone else needs to handle things differently, your team will have less friction when there’s an appreciation for, instead of a frustration with, diverse perspectives.  Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at  www.voiceofinfluence.net   Read the transcript here:   https://www.voiceofinfluence.net/174 Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:  www.voiceofinfluence.net/deepimpact