Voice Of Influence

164: Building Relationships While Maintaining Productivity at Work



Our next series on the podcast is about friendship at work and Rosanne and I thought a perfect way to kick things off would be to talk about our friendship and how it aligns with our working relationship. In this episode, Rosanne and I share the concerns she had when I first approached her a few years ago about working together, the lessons I had to learn in the beginning when it came to accepting Rosanne’s ideas and input without taking it personally, why ego needs to be removed from the equation, the importance of understanding the pushback from the other person often means they feel their voice isn’t being respected, what fostering friendships at work can look like for both introverts and extroverts, how to know if your team is becoming too isolated if they’re working from home and/or socially distancing themselves from each other, and more. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at  www.voiceofinfluence.net   Read the transcript here: