Collage Creative With Amy Small

Steven Berg: On being Steven Be - inside & out



Today on the show I have Steven Berg, the man and the legend behind all things Steven Be. This is a really special episode for me. I’ve known Steven since my first Tnna tradeshow in 2010 where he was instantly friendly and enthusiastic about my business. In this interview we go back to where it all started for him – much of the way he is because of his incredible Mom but what got me time and again during this episode is how knitting and yarn is his safe space as a child and now he’s created that at Steven Be Studios. Steven has a way of just being himself, completely extravagant and fabulous in all that he does. It’s fun, totally unique and so incredibly Steven. And that’s what I really want this podcast to be about, shining a light on people doing their own creative things out in a world where it’s not that easy to do that. I CANNOT WAIT FOR YOU TO HEAR THIS ONE! Show notes here.