Cultivating Ethos With Pastor Scott Furrow

Extended Podcast - Full Interview with Melanie Burkholder



Complete interview with more!  We have Dr. Melanie Burkholder in the studio with us, the Republican candidate for the 76th Assembly district. She is also a mental health professional from the Carlsbad area, she is a former secret-service agent, and a proud wife and mother of two. A big part of what we are about at Cultivating Ethos is finding practical solutions to the problems we face in society. The church has the primary role, mainly outside of politics, because we can serve our community no matter who is in political power. However, cooperation with governing officials is also necessary, and even becoming a public official is a way for some of us to serve our neighbors. Today we discuss homelessness, mental health, and laws that affect your church.   Plus, Scott sings 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall on a city bus. Learn more about Dr. Melanie Burkholder at Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Please consider a tax-deductible gift at Also, join