
Episode 69: Checking in with Kate, Ashley & Julie!



Helllooooo everyone! So we have to be honest, we absolutely LOVE having guests on our podcast! Not only do we think guests bring their awesome expertise to the table, it's also kinda like having an awesome excuse to hang out with super cool people we look up to in the industry! However, we also love the dynamic the three of us have together, without guests! We have three super unique personalities, and every now & then it's fun to just hang out in the studio without anyone else! This week, we realized it's been awhile since we've "checked in" with you guys, so we're chatting about all things US and giving you an update on some cool stuff each of your PhotoSpark hosts have been doing! Kate: In classic Kate-style, she's choosing to use her 5 minutes in the spotlight to vent about someone (ok she probably does vent more than the other PhotoSpark hosts, but venting keeps things interesting...right?). She chats about a situation where a client seemed to be taking advantage of a special "friends only" discount