Ready Set Blow Podcast With Chase Abel And Randy V

Ready Set Blow - Ep. 23



Chase and Randy start the show by reminiscing about the last episode, which was a throwback to October 2016.  Chase was in NYC last week, which reminds Randy of the time Jon Stewart bought him breakfast tequila shots. The guys accidentally stumble into their first Financially Funny segment, where they discuss “opportunity costs” in the context of paying a mortgage vs. paying rent (the value of anything is generally always relative, not absolute!). Interestingly, the Financially Funny segment gets the guys talking about how the opportunity cost concept applies to broader experiences in life - getting a post-secondary education and career choices. Chase re-lives his heroic first week of work at his day job, where he saved a stranger’s life. The conversation segues into a discussion of personal integrity - what would you do if you saw someone in need that nobody else was willing to help? Do you admit when you are wrong? To what standard do you hold people in your life to the same standard of admitting their mist