Wisdom For Working Mums

Five Simple Steps to Double Your Energy As A Working Mum



Do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning?  Do you feel more tired often than not these days? Or ever find yourself getting frustrated with your body because it’s not as strong or resilient as it used to be? You're not alone, over three quarters of women say they are tired all the time That was my experience when I became a first time mum 8 years ago. I became really frustrated with my body - berating it for not giving me the energy I needed when I needed it most.  I was actually in adrenal fatigue at the time but didn't know it, and I didn't understand how I'd got there or what to do to recover my energy. What that experience taught me was that energy was in fact the most important thing in life.  Because without it we can’t love those that matter most or live our life in the way that we want to.  I've come to believe that energy is our most precious resource. So that’s why I’m excited to be talking to today’s guest - Alice Godfrey.  Alice is a registered nutritionist and thyroid expert. She helps wom