Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd

EP60 - From Anxious Perfectionist to Non-Diet Nutrition Boss w/ Haley Goodrich of INSPIRD Nutrition



I’m really excited to introduce you to disordered eating dietician Haley Goodrich. Both Haley and I suffer from anxiety and Haley shares some great advice on how she deals with that, as well as her perfectionist tendencies that in her college days manifested as issues with food and over exercise. We discuss how they can morph and show up in other ways even when you've developed a healthy relationship to food. We also talk about the experience of being a nutrition student and how that can really fuel weirdness around food if you have perfectionist tendencies or are predisposed to it in some way. There's also a level of cognitive dissonance where on one hand you’re trying to be the perfect nutrition student, but on the other hand you want to drink beer and eat cake; something that intuitive eating is flexible enough to incorporate but traditional nutrition and dietetics models are way too rigid for which can again cause a lot of anxiety if you’re a perfectionist. Haley is also a total nutrition boss and she sha