Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

[VAULT] Jill Wheatley On Losing Sight & Gaining Vision



Jill Wheatley was born in Canada and was working as a Physical Education teacher in Bavaria in September 2014 when she was hit in the head with a ball in a freak accident. Jill was taken to Emergency but was sent home after only about 15min to nurse what the doctors described as a ‘black eye’. Unfortunately, she spent the next 48 hours alone, drifting in and out of consciousness before she was found by a friend, rushed back to the hospital where it was discovered she had a fractured skull (amongst other injuries). 2 years, 7 hospitals and 3 countries later, Jill’s black eye never re-opened. She was left with a traumatic brain injury and only 30% of her vision. But that was not going to stop Jill from returning to her beloved mountains. So she set a goal to circumnavigate the world and run not only trails but what she describes as “illustrious mountain ranges” with her “differently-abled” body. Get the full show notes for the episode here. — Visit the Sparta Chicks Radio website here  Follow Sparta Chicks Radi