Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

[VAULT] Kemi Nekvapil on Trail Running, Comparison & the Power of Choice



Kemi Nekvapil is, quite simply, a force of nature. You know one of those people that when you talk to them, you know they are fully ‘in’ the conversation. That’s Kemi. Kemi has worked in the wellness industry for over 20 years. First as a pioneer in the raw food movement in Australia and now as an accredited executive and personal coach, she is committed to helping women like you and I change how we feel about ourselves and how we express ourselves, so we can set boundaries and pursue what we want from life, without guilt or apology. How good does that sound? Kemi is the author of two books, Raw Beauty and the Gift of Asking. She’s also a powerful speaker which is why I choose her to both open and close Sparta Chicks Unleashed, the conference we held in 2018. Plus she’s a runner - a trail and ultra-marathon runner, Kemi has completed 11 x marathon distances races and two ultras of 100km or more. So she ‘gets’ us. Kemi was my ‘secret weapon’ during 2018 when she was my coach for 6 months so I know what a power