Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

[VAULT] Nadine Champion on Fear, Regret & Using 10 Seconds of Courage



Nadine Champion is a Thai Boxing and Kickboxing Champion. Now, I’ll be the first to admit I don’t have any interest, whatsoever, in martial arts (and I tell Nadine this early in our conversation). But this isn’t a conversation about martial arts. It’s a conversation about a normal woman with big dreams trying to find a way through her fear and self-doubt, realising she was seeking approval and validation from her Sensei because she didn’t believe she was ‘enough’ and who (in order to achieve her goals inside the ring) had to confront the reality of who she was outside the ring. These days, Nadine is a professional speaker after her talk at TEDx Sydney talk in 2015 (also, her first-ever public speaking gig) produced a standing ovation and has since been described as one of the most memorable TEDxTalks of all time. Nadine is also the author of a book called “10 Seconds of Courage”. It’s a very real, raw, emotional and honest account of Nadine’s career as a kickboxer, her battle with cancer and her experience of