Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

[VAULT] Natalie Cook on the Search for Mental Toughness and Emotional Stability



Self-belief is such a murky, fluid concept. Some days you feel on top of the world and unstoppable. The next, it’s gone and you’re convinced you were fooling yourself. So how do you develop unwavering self-belief (and keep it)? In 2017, I asked Olympic Gold Medalist Natalie Cook In this interview, we discuss her 4-year journey of personal development after the Atlanta Olympics when she realised she didn’t have the mental toughness or emotional stability needed to achieve her goal of winning the Olympic Gold medal in Sydney. Plus in an unexpected twist, I got called out on why I was hiding behind my fear and not telling the world about one of my goals. Get the full show notes for the episode here. — Visit the Sparta Chicks Radio website here  Follow Sparta Chicks Radio on Facebook: