Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

3rd Most Popular Episode of 2019 - Renee Kiley



The 3rd most popular episode of Sparta Chicks Radio in 2019 was Renee Kiley on Inspiration, Goal Setting & the Fear of Failure In November 2013, Renee joined friends to watch the Noosa Triathlon. And life hasn’t been the same since. At the time Renee was an overweight, unhealthy, pack-a-day smoker. Yet despite not having ridden a bike or swum laps since she was a kid, Renee set a goal to compete in the Noosa Triathlon the following year. She did that, and more: less than 3 1/2 years later, Renee raced for the first time as a professional triathlete.  Many people involved in endurance sports have undergone dramatic transformations; from losing weight, quitting smoking and overcoming major health issues. But I was curious how Renee was able to take her performance and achievements to the next level and became a professional athlete in a sport she didn’t know even existed only a few years ago. So I asked :) Get the full show notes for the episode here. — Visit the Sparta Chicks Radio website here  Follow Spa