Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

4th Most Popular Episode of 2019 - Jess Fox



The #4 most popular episode of Sparta Chicks Radio in 2019 was Jess Fox on Resilience, Goal Setting & Proving Yourself Jess Fox was just 18 (and 3 months out of High School) when she qualified for the 2012 London Olympics. She left those Games with a Silver medal and, in hindsight, admits she felt the need to prove herself and to show that her result in London wasn’t a fluke. Of course, it wasn’t a fluke - in fact, it was just the start of an incredible career! A 2 x Olympic medalist (Jess also won Bronze at the 2016 Rio Olympics), Jess is now the most successful canoe slalom paddler - male or female - in the history of the sport! In this fun conversation, we discussed: - the power of writing down your goals and seeing them on a daily basis, - how she deals with her own internal expectations as opposed to the external expectations placed on her by the media and the public, and - why you should welcome conditions that aren’t ideal in training. Get the full show notes for the episode here. — Visit the Spart