Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#127: Stacey De Bono on Finding Solutions, Not Excuses



Stacey De Bono grew up in country Victoria and, by her own admission, hated riding bikes as a kid and used to wag the school cross country carnival. Fast forward a few years and she discovered triathlon quite by accident. A friend convinced her to sign up for a race. She did, but without checking the details and couldn’t work out why the race was so expensive. It turns out the first triathlon she signed up for was Ironman Melbourne, just 10 months later. A few years (and several triathlon seasons) later, a broken finger from a bike accident forced Stacey to step back from her training and work. This gave her time to reflect on her lifestyle, her health and her goals - and it was during this difficult period she heard about Epic 5, an iconic race consisting of 5 Ironman-distance triathlons over 5 days on 5 different Hawaiian islands. The seed was planted, Stacey eventually voiced the idea out loud to her coach and the goal was set to participate in Epic 5 in 2020, some 3 years later. That race date has been pu