Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#121: Michael Scragg on Crewing & Life as a ‘Supportive Dude’



Michael Scragg is an experienced endurance athlete in his own right. After breaking his neck in a downhill mountain biking accident in the early 2000s, Michael made the switch to road cycling and ultimately into triathlons. Since finishing ‘dead last’ in his first Half Ironman, Michael has gone onto finish 9 Ironman triathlons as well as multiple 24-hour mountain bike races and ultra-marathons. He is also married to 2x Sparta Chicks Radio guest and ultra-endurance athlete, Melissa Urie! (Mel was on the podcast in 2017 to share her experience at the Epic 5 LINK and again early in 2019 to discuss competing at the Ultraman World Championships). Over the last few years, Michael’s racing career has taken a backseat while Mel pursued her ultra-endurance goals, which have included Ultraman races in Canada, Australia and at the World Championships in Hawaii, the Epic 5 as well as her upcoming race at Uberman. So in this episode, Michael and I discuss what it’s like to be on the flip side; how to crew for, live with,