Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#116: Paul Watkins on Failing, Winning & Being a Work in Progress



“93% Harry Potter and 7% Bear Grylls”. That’s how Paul Watkins’ website describes him. There are lots of other labels that could be applied too; Pharmacist, mountaineer, full-time dad, ultramarathon runner, motivational speaker and property developer. However, the one label that doesn’t sit comfortably with Paul is “athlete”, which is difficult to appreciate when you consider his list of achievements. Paul has climbed major peaks on all 7 continents and competed in some of toughest ultramarathon runners in Australia and the world. Most recently, Paul competed in the 6633 Arctic Ultra; a 614km/380mi self-supported race in the Arctic Circle in temperatures ranging from -20˚ to -40˚ celsius (-4˚ to -4˚F) with an 80% drop-out rate. And not only did he finish the race, he won! There’s an interesting theme reoccurring through much of Paul’s story; he’s often “failed” on the first go. He ‘failed’ on his first attempt to summit Denali (the highest mountain in North America). I first met Paul in Argentina when we were