Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#096: Melissa Urie on Mental Strength, Confidence & Ultraman



Mel joined me on the podcast way back in episode 14 to share her experience of becoming only the 2nd woman ever to complete the Epic 5 - a race consisting of 5 Ironman-distance triathlons on 5 Hawaiian islands over 5 days (you can find that conversation here). This week, Mel returns to the podcast to share her experience of competing at the Ultraman World Championships on the Big Island of Hawaii in 2018. Ultraman is a 3 day triathlon, consisting of a 10km swim, 420km riding and an 84km run. #spoileralert Mel missed the cut-off on Day 2 by 8 minutes (after 12 hours of racing). Some in the same situation might describe this DNF as a ‘failure’. However, Mel views it as a battle she lost, rather than a ‘failure’. In this fun conversation, we discuss: - what her experience at the Epic 5 means to her now (almost 2 years down the track) and how it’s changed how she sees herself, - her advice to women who struggle with their athletic identity and naming and claiming who and what they are, - how she found her way thr