Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#092: Steph Lowe on Hormones, Pills & PCOS



Steph Lowe is a triathlete, Sports Nutritionist and the Founder of the Natural Nutritionist. Steph was first on the podcast in August, 2018 (episode #69) where we had a wide-ranging discussion about nutrition - specifically the benefits of adopting an LCHF lifestyle on everything from your hormones, weight, PMS, mood, immune system, gut health and even 3:30itis. I asked Steph to return to the show so we could ‘deep dive’ into one specific health issue that affects millions of women; Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and the impact your diet and nutrition can have (both in contributing to the disease and reversing it). If you don’t have PCOS, I'd encourage you to keep listening. Our discussion around PCOS is really part of a broader discussion around the topics of hormones and menstrual cycles and the impact of nutrition, stress, exercise, supplements, the contraceptive pill (amongst other things) on it. Get the full show notes for the episode here. — Visit the Sparta Chicks Radio website here  Follow Sparta