Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#088: Kemi Nekvapil on Trail Running, Comparison & the Power of Choice



Perhaps the most powerful question you can ask yourself is - what do I need? There is no-one better equipped to help us answer that question than Kemi Nekvapil. Kemi is, quite simply, a force of nature. A pioneer in the raw food movement in Australia, Kemi is now an accredited executive and personal coach. She’s committed to helping women like you and I change how we feel about ourselves and how we express ourselves, so we can set boundaries and pursue what we want from life, without guilt or apology. She’s also a powerful speaker as those who attended Sparta Chicks Unleashed 2018 will attest. Plus she’s a trail and ultra marathon runner. Kemi has completed 11 x marathon distances races, plus a 100km race, the Surf Coast Century, in 2016. So she ‘gets’ us! Kemi was my ‘secret weapon’ during 2018.  She was my coach for 6 months throughout the year and I can hand-on-heart say Sparta Chicks Unleashed would not have happened if not for her support. In this conversation we discuss: - what an underwear shopping tri