Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#086: Lucy Bartholomew on ‘Showing Up, Blowing Up, Growing Up’ at WSER100



Lucy was my guest on the podcast back in January, 2018 (episode 45). In that episode, Lucy shared her background; how she first started running as a way to spend time with her Dad, her first 100km race at 16 through to her victory in 2017 at the 100km Ultra Trail Australia race (also her 21st birthday). At the time of that episode, Lucy was still getting her head around the news she had secured an entry to the Western States Endurance Run (WSER); not only one of the world’s most prestigious 100mi/160km races, but it would also be Lucy’s first attempt at that distance. So Lucy returns to Sparta Chicks Radio this week to share how the race, and 2018, unfolded for her — including why she labelled her blog post about the race ‘Show Up, Blow Up, Grow Up’. Here’s a #spoileralert - Lucy finished 3rd at WSER this year; an extraordinary performance for someone so young, and racing that distance for the first time, against the best in the world. Get the full show notes for the episode here. — Visit the Sparta Chicks Ra