Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#082: Jo Bailey on When Your Biggest Fear Comes True



Jo joined me on the podcast back in episode #38 in November 2017. In that conversation, we discussed Jo’s background and history, why she started running at 35 and the way in which she’s struggled with comparison, feeling like an imposter as well as how it took years for Jo to call herself an ‘athlete’ and mean it. If you haven’t listened to that episode, I’d encourage you to listen to episode 38 first. Almost one year to the day later, Jo and I pick up where we left off and cover the events, and lessons, of the last 12 months. Since we last spoke, Jo has finished her 1st 100mi (160km) race. Then, in January this year, Jo discovered she’d won a lottery spot to enter one of the world’s most famous ultramarathons; Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (or UTMB), an incredible 100mi / 160km race that passes through France, Italy and Switzerland as you run around the Mont Blanc massif (yes, you literally run around the mountain!) Sadly, Jo’s race at UTMB didn’t turn out the way she wanted after she missed a cut-off around th